Archives: Minsitries

Minsitries Name
Peridot $2,500

Minsitries Details

Peridot Level Sponsors will be recognized at two programs per year, their name displayed on the website, and three (3) complimentary event tickets per year.

Minsitries Name
Diamonds & Pearls $15,000

Minsitries Details

As our premier Education Sponsor, this level includes: opportunity for key leader to give a short presentation about their organization/company at one of the member events (first come, first serve); Two dedicated spaces in Leaders on the Rise Mentorship Program; Dedicated table at one event to include anyone they want to bring; Acknowledgement at all programs, Most prominent name and logo displayed on all marketing materials and website; and nname recognition on ALL press releases. This is an annual sponsorship – only one available.

Minsitries Name
Diamond $15,000

Minsitries Details

The Diamond Level includes: Annual sponsorship opportunity for key leader to give a short presentation about their organization/company at one event; dedicated table at one event to include anyone they want to bring; acknowledgement at all programs; most prominent name and logo displayed on all marketing materials and website; and name recognition on ALL press releases.

Minsitries Name
Sapphire $10,000

Minsitries Details

The Sapphire Levels includes: Presenting Sponsor for one event; key leader to participate in program (invocation, speaker introduction, etc.); acknowledgement at all programs; logo displayed on all marketing materials and website; and name recognition on event-related press releases.

Minsitries Name
Ruby $5,000

Minsitries Details

The Ruby Level entitles you and your company to be a Program Sponsor, acknowledgement at all programs, logo displayed on all marketing materials; and name displayed on website.

Minsitries Name
Emerald $1,000

Minsitries Details

Emerald Level Sponsors will be recognized at two programs per year, and their name displayed on the website.

Minsitries Name
Opal $500

Minsitries Details

Opal Level Individual Sponsors will be recognized at one event per year.

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